Ramadan Calendar

Sehri and Ifter time schedule

Welcome to our Ramadan Calendar site for Pakistan! Check out daily Sehri and Iftar timings and valuable insights to get the most out of the holy month of Ramadan. Join us in observing Ramazan Mubarak.

End 2024 Ramadan


09 April, 2024 Tuesday

Ramadan Calendar Date 2024 Pakistan

The Ramadan calendar for 2024 in Pakistan indicates the holy month of fasting will likely begin on 12 March, based on the Islamic calendar. Muslims will observe dawn-to-dusk fasting and engage in increased prayer and reflection throughout the month. The exact date may vary with moon sightings.

Ramadan Calendar

Ramadan Date Day
01 Ramadan 12 March 2024 Tuesday
02 Ramadan 13 March 2024 Wednesday
03 Ramadan 14 March 2024 Thursday
04 Ramadan 15 March 2024 friday
05 Ramadan 16 March 2024 Saturday
06 Ramadan 17 March 2024 Sunday
07 Ramadan 18 March 2024 Monday
08 Ramadan 19 March 2024 Tuesday
09 Ramadan 20 March 2024 Wednesday
10 Ramadan 21 March 2024 Thursday
11 Ramadan 22 March 2024 Friday
12 Ramadan 23 March 2024 Saturday
13 Ramadan 24 March 2024 Sunday
14 Ramadan 25 March 2024 Monday
15 Ramadan 26 March 2024 Tuesday
16 Ramadan 27 March 2024 Wednesday
17 Ramadan 28 March 2024 Thursday
18 Ramadan 29 March 2024 Friday
19 Ramadan 30 March 2024 Saturday
20 Ramadan 31 March 2024 Sunday
21 Ramadan 01 March 2024 Monday
22 Ramadan 02 April 2024 Tuesday
23 Ramadan 03 April 2024 Wednesday
24 Ramadan 04 April 2024 Thursday
25 Ramadan 05 April 2024 Friday
26 Ramadan 06 April 2024 Saturday
27 Ramadan 07 April 2024 Sunday
28 Ramadan 08 April 2024 Monday
29 Ramadan 09 April 2024 Tuesday

The Ramadan calendar is a crucial tool that adds depth and structure to the holy month of Ramadan. It serves as a guide for Muslims worldwide, fostering discipline, unity, and spiritual reflection. Ramadan is the ninth month in the Islamic calendar. During this time, Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset as a way to worship and show obedience to Allah. It's not just about avoiding food and drinks; it also includes doing more prayers, reading the Quran, and helping others. The main aim of Ramadan is to achieve Taqwa, which means being more aware and conscious of God in our daily lives. In this article, we delve into the importance of the Ramadan calendar, exploring its role in fostering a deeper connection with spirituality and community.

What is a Ramadan Calendar 2024?

The Ramadan calendar holds immense importance and significance in the Islamic faith. It is designed to mark the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar, during which Muslims around the world observe the sacred month of Ramadan. The calendar plays a crucial role in determining the precise dates for the beginning and end of this significant period. Ramadan is a time of fasting, prayer, reflection, and increased acts of worship. Muslims fast from dawn to sunset, refraining from food, drink, and other physical needs.

The primary purpose of this fasting, known as "Sawm," is to attain Taqwa, a heightened state of mindfulness and consciousness of Allah. The calendar helps in establishing a unified starting point for this collective endeavor, promoting a sense of unity among the global Muslim community. The significance of Ramadan extends beyond fasting.

It is a time for self-discipline, spiritual growth, and increased devotion. Muslims engage in additional prayers, read the Quran, and participate in charitable activities. The calendar serves as a guide, ensuring that Muslims worldwide are on the same page regarding the days of fasting and the Night of Power (Laylat al-Qadr), a night believed to be more spiritually potent than a thousand months.

Overall, the Ramadan calendar holds great importance as it facilitates a shared experience among Muslims, allowing them to collectively engage in acts of worship, seek forgiveness, and draw closer to Allah during this holiest month of the Islamic calendar.

The Significance of the Ramadan Calendar for Muslims

The Ramadan Calendar is very important for Muslims all around the world. It helps them know what to do during the holiest month in the Islamic calendar, Ramadan. This month is a time for thinking about their faith, being disciplined, and coming together as a community. The calendar is like a helpful guide for Muslims, telling them when to pray, when to eat before sunrise (Suhoor), and when to break their fast at sunset (Iftar). It also encourages them to get involved in their community and be kind to others. some significance of Ramadan calender are given below.

Spiritual Guidance

The Ramadan Calendar serves as a comprehensive spiritual guide for Muslims, outlining the timings for daily prayers, including the special nightly Tarawih prayers. It provides a schedule for Suhoor (pre-dawn meal) and Iftar (breaking of the fast), allowing individuals to align their daily routines with religious practices. This structured approach aids in enhancing the spiritual experience during Ramadan, fostering a deeper connection with one's faith and facilitating a more focused and disciplined approach to religious observances.

Community Engagement

The calendar serves as a unifying tool for Muslim communities globally, ensuring that believers across different time zones and geographical locations share a synchronized experience of Ramadan. It facilitates communal engagement by highlighting the collective moments of Suhoor and Iftar, encouraging Muslims to come together for prayers, meals, and charitable activities. This shared schedule fosters a sense of unity among the global Muslim population, transcending geographical and cultural boundaries.

Charitable Initiatives

Ramadan emphasizes acts of kindness, charity, and compassion. The calendar helps organize and plan charitable initiatives by specifying days dedicated to specific types of charitable activities. Muslims are encouraged to engage in acts of generosity, donate to those in need, and participate in community-driven projects. The structured approach of the calendar ensures that Muslims can contribute to social welfare and make a positive impact on a global scale during the month of Ramadan.

Educational Opportunities

The Ramadan Calendar serves as an educational resource, providing information on the significance of each day and highlighting key events within Islamic history. It offers an opportunity for individuals, especially the younger generation, to learn more about their faith, traditions, and the importance of Ramadan. This educational aspect contributes to the cultural preservation of Islamic values and ensures the transmission of religious knowledge from one generation to the next.

Global Solidarity

In an era of globalization, the Ramadan Calendar contributes to fostering a sense of global solidarity among Muslims. The shared experience of fasting, prayer, and reflection creates a bond that transcends national borders. Muslims around the world feel connected through the observance of common rituals, reinforcing the idea of a global Muslim community. This interconnectedness promotes understanding, tolerance, and unity among diverse cultures within the Islamic world.

What are the Ramadan dates for 2024?

Ramadan, the holy month of fasting for Muslims, is a significant and spiritually significant time in Pakistan. The commencement of Ramadan on March 12th, 2024, is contingent upon the sighting of the moon, a practice that traditionally marks the beginning of the lunar month. During Ramadan, Muslims in Pakistan don't eat or drink from sunrise to sunset. They also avoid other things like snacks and stuff they enjoy during the day. It's a time of self-control and focusing on spiritual things.

As the month progresses, special nightly prayers called Tarawih are performed in mosques, where verses from the Quran are recited. Families come together to break their fast during Iftar, often starting with dates and water, followed by a larger meal. The pre-dawn meal before the fast begins again, known as Suhoor, is also a significant aspect of this observance. The end of Ramadan is celebrated with the joyous festival of Eid al-Fitr, which is expected to fall on April 9th, 2024.

Community and Charity

Ramadan's spirit is not just in personal reflection but in strengthening community bonds and helping those in need. Participate in charitable activities, whether through donations (Zakat) or volunteering your time to support local initiatives.

Eid al-Fitr

The end of Ramadan is marked by Eid al-Fitr, a celebration filled with joy, communal prayers, and feasting. Expected to fall around11 April, 2024, Eid is a time to rejoice in the completion of a month of blessings and spiritual growth.


As we prepare for Ramadan 2024, let us embrace this opportunity to renew our faith, enhance our patience, and spread kindness and compassion. By following the Ramadan Calendar 2024, we can ensure a fulfilling and spiritually rewarding month. May this guide help you navigate the holy month with ease and grace, bringing you closer to the essence of Ramadan./p>

Remember, the journey of Ramadan is as much about the inward journey as it is about the outward practices. Let's make this Ramadan a transformational experience, filled with moments of peace, reflection, and community connection. Ramadan Kareem!

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